HELLLO I'm Max Wilets

I am a full stack software engineer with over 5 years of experience and I am ready to help you. I I have proven experience and offer services with: system architecture, web app serives, mobile app services, marketing and SEO (search engine optimization), tutoring and more.


Front End Development:

  • JavaScript

Full Stack Engineering:

  • TypeScript

Front End Engineering:

  • Vue.js
  • React
  • Angular
  • Tailwind
  • CSS

Backend Engineering & APIs:

  • Node.js
  • Java (Spring Boot)
  • GraphQL
  • Contentful

Package Managers:

  • NPM
  • PNPM
  • Maven


  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Postgress
  • Redis

DevOps, Cloud, CI/CD:

  • AWS (S3, EC2, Lambda)
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins
  • GitHub Actions
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • ServiceNow
  • Service Mesh


  • Jest
  • Playwright
  • Selenium
  • Integration Testing
  • Unit Testing

What I have done so far

Work Experience.

My Projects



The Home Depot API and Website

Supported the Content Information API (CIA) by adding features to update latency, supporting new data types to be consumed by the front end experiences, and updating CI/CD processes by adding access logs, redis caching, and webhooks to the Google Cloud Platform. Updated the API and experiences to support PLPs and SKUs allowing products to be dynamically populated based on previous user experience and market as well as implementing one click add to cart and purchases. Created new React based front end components, and experience pages from the ground up, implementing end-to-end testing, impression analytics, and design. New components and experiences added increased conversion sales by over 30% over 6 months.

#Spring Boot


#Google Cloud Platform





Pantheon Component Revamp

Created new React based UI component library for the Pantheon Platform. Hosted the components and documentation on a Storybook interface with adjustable props for easy user testing. Developed components in accordance with WGAC, WC3, and A11Y standards to optimize accessibility and automated accessability tests. Updated library from old Drupal/Twig based componeted increased new client conversion by increasing clients by 20%.





source code

Web Scraper API

This is a personal project to make an API to scrape Amazon user data. The user just needs to added their login information and it scraped recenlty viewed or purchased data. This was also made with UI for easy suer interface here: [UI Repo](https://github.com/maxwilets/scraper-UI-Amazon)

